In the land of plenty, millions of boys and girls are going to bed hungry. More than 15 million households face not having enough food for everyone in the family. Together, we can feed hungry children and change this grim statistic. We can reach families in need across America with food and other essentials that offer hope for a better future.
The Love For Humanity Foundation is committed to creating a world where no child goes to bed hungry. To end childhood hunger, we must work together to break the cycle of poverty.
Working with agencies in food pantries, shelters, soup kitchens and churches in communities across the country so donated food and other essentials reach families in need is how we can make a difference.
Food & Nutrition Security
Food and nutrition security are a top priority and basic human right. Without adequate food and nutrition, children are unable to reach their full development potential both physically and mentally. Nutrition deficiencies cause a reduction in learning capabilities and livelihood development. Disease prevention and treatment and proper nutrition are critical for cognitive and physical development.
Fight Childhood Hunger
We help provide a meal for a child in need with each Love For Humanity Organics product purchased. 1 product = 1 meal
You also can donate here now and every dollar helps provide seven dollars worth of food, essentials, and more to hungry children and families here in the United States.
Help Feed Hungry Children
For every dollar you donate it is multipled 7x providing $7 worth of life saving essentials to give hope dignity and comfort to children who desperately need your help.

The Love For Humanity Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law.